Who do I contact with questions about my insurance coverage?

If you are a current client…

If you have any questions or concerns about your insurance policies, Apex Benefit Group is here to help. Our dedicated team of experienced insurance professionals is available to assist you with any inquiries you may have. Whether you need clarification on your coverage, want to discuss policy details, or require assistance with claims, we are just a phone call or email away.

You can reach out to our customer service department to speak with a knowledgeable representative who will be more than happy to provide you with the information and support you need. Rest assured that at Apex Benefit Group, addressing your insurance questions is a top priority, and we are committed to ensuring that you have a clear understanding of your coverage and options.

If you are not a current client…

You can contact HR at your company or call the insurance company directly. If you have general questions or are interested in expanding your insurance benefits for yourself, your family, and/or your company, you can contact Apex Benefit Group and we will be able to assist you with coverage clarification, policy details, and additional options.

Please click here to contact Apex Benefit Group.

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